
Well, hello!

Hello! My name is Sadie and I am in the 9th grade (almost). Actually, I'm still technically in the 8th, but we get out in 2 weeks, and then, who knows what can happen this summer! My friend Robin is having an end of the year party for our class at her house on the River. I go to a really strict private christian school so we are so ready to party by the end of the year. I guess I'm writing this blog because my friend Tarrah has one and she told me how much fun it is. I don't really know what to write right now. School is boring. Home is boring. I live way out in BFE and when my cousins are back at home in New Orleans there is noone else to hang with except the maids and my mom and dad and dork brother James. BORING! My grandparent's friends are building a vacation home down the lake from us and they have grandkids my age. When that's finished we might have something fun to do this summer! We'll see! For now, I'm just holding out for the end of the year party and plus my cousins are coming to stay with my grandmother in about 3 weeks for the whole summer like usual. Then the fun will really begin! Last year my cousin Buck stole cigarettes all the time from the store at the forks and he never got caught. He stole scotch (he said) from my grandmother but it tasted like spicy poop. I think it was just my grandfather's Dr. Tischenor's mouthwash in a crystal decanter. He always makes us use that when we spend the night. Buck thinks it will get you drunk. He's such a moron. I hope he doesn't read this. I don't know who will read this. noone probly.

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